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The HBA Winter Quiz

The HBA Winter Quiz is back! 

This year there's a Wee Quiz for younger kids that definitely should be done without any research. The Big Quiz is aimed at adults and will require a deeper knowledge of MTB technology and its history. It's best if you don't Google the answers; the results page shows the correct ones anyway.


Each round will be available for one week, and there will be as many rounds as I can think up questions for. You can enter your name, or a made up one, at the end of the quiz page if you want your score to be on the leaderboard. This year, the quiz is just for fun/bragging rights.

Round 2 available until 12 January.


Leaderboard - Updated 05/01/25
Total scores in bold


Wee Quiz
1. Bobby (5), Finbot (5) & Leon (5)
2. Lachlan (4)

3. Link (3)

Big Quiz

1. Elric_TDB (7)

2. Leon (6)

3. Cam (5) & Brownefish (5) 


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